Thriller genres that will be most useful to our group will be:
Mystery Thriller: Suspense films where characters attempt solving, or involved in mystery. Mystery is a good way to get an audience hooked on a film as they want to find out what the mystery involves and entails. In our group we need to have an opening sequence which makes people want to keep watching and make them wonder how the film will progress and how, why, when, who ? the mystery happened.
Psychological Thriller: In which the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional rather than physical. in our group we would need to create a good 'psychological aspect' which affects the audience aswell as effecting the characters in the film.
Crime Thriller: Hybrid of Crime films and Thriller films. Often focus on the criminals rather than policemen. In our group we would need to think of a crime which is convincing and also has alot of oppotunities of how it could have been done, who done it , how they done it , why they done it, when they done it.
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